Global Governance Resources
A growing range of individuals and institutions are actively working in search of solutions to the challenges emerging in an increasingly interdependent world. Below is a curated and growing list of emerging perspectives and reports.
Baha’i International Community Statements
A Governance Befitting: Humanity and the Path Toward a Just Global Order
Anticipating the 75th anniversary of the day the United Nations was brought into being, the Baha’i International Community launched a statement marking the occasion.
Entitled “A Governance Befitting: Humanity and the Path Toward a Just Global Order”, the statement raises questions about how systems of cooperation between nations can be deepened to better address contemporary challenges.
The Search for Values in an Age of Transition
The Search for Values in an Age of Transition is a statement of the Baha’i International Community addressed to the United Nations on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Organization. In a time of sweeping reforms at the United Nations and spirited debate about the mechanisms and goals of global governance, the Baha’i International Community took this opportunity to contribute its vision and concrete recommendations for the construction of a more just and peaceful global community.
Turning Point for All Nations
Turning Point For All Nations was a statement issued by the Bahá'í International Community on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations Organization, in October 1995.
The statement is based on three initial propositions. First, discussions about the future of the United Nations need to take place within the broad context of the evolution of the international order and its direction. Second, since the body of humankind is one and indivisible, each member of the human race is born into the world as a trust of the whole. Third, the discussions about the future of the international order must involve and excite the generality of humankind.
United Nations Documents
Secretary-General’s “Our Common Agenda” Report
As requested in the UN75 Political Declaration adopted by Heads of State and Government on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, Secretary-General António Guterres reports back in this seminal document on “recommendations to advance our common agenda and respond to current and future challenges.” Among the recommendations, the report emphasizes the need for a new social contract between Governments and their people; solidarity with younger generations; a new global deal to deliver public goods and address major risks; as well as proposals for a UN more suited to the needs of the 21st century.
UN75 Political Declaration
Heads of State and Government, representing the peoples of the world, commit to a set of twelve goals on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Among the twelve commitments outlined, enhanced democratic governance, commitment to a rules-based international order, increased partnerships with diverse stakeholders, and greater transparency are all suggested steps towards an enhanced multilateral future for the United Nations.
Shaping our future together: Key findings of UN75 survey and dialogues
Heads of State and Government committed to a set of twelve goals on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Among the twelve commitments outlined, enhanced democratic governance, commitment to a rules-based international order, increased partnerships with diverse stakeholders, and greater transparency represent important steps towards an enhanced and more effective United Nations.
Resources from Civil Society
Beyond UN75: A Roadmap for Inclusive, Networked & Effective Global Governance
This report explores how a more inclusive and effective system of global governance, including—as the Secretary-General of the United Nations has called for—a new social contract, a new global deal, and networked inclusive multilateralism, can assist in better responding to 21st century global challenges. It considers how these ideas relate to the UN75 Declaration’s twelve commitments and offers a roadmap to revitalize multilateralism, culminating in a proposed World Summit on Inclusive Global Governance in 2023.
On the Significance of Religion for Global Diplomacy
Creatively engaging with religious perspectives, this book describes how a new, multi-layered framework of engagement between international organizations, backed by government, and representatives of religion can make multilateralism more fit for purpose and be a catalyst for civilizational change. The authors present the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe as a model and highlight that a new pathway to a better future founded on trust is possible.
UN75 People’s Declaration
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, Civil Society from around the world collectively drafted an analysis and proposals regarding the future of the United Nations. This document represents the result of that process and identifies key values necessary at this time, as well as a number of suggestions worthy of further consideration.
Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability
Subsequent to a series of reports and online brainstorming sessions on the UN system’s performance among diverse global governance experts and practitioners, this report highlights some of the main points to take forward the idea of a Global Resilience Council, a body capable of ensuring human resilience and planetary stability across UN agencies, governments, and the economy.
The case for a UN Parliamentary Assembly and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
This policy review highlights the need for a new vision of a democratic world order based on shared global sovereignty for global issues. It focuses on the establishment of a UN Parliamentary Assembly, a new body of citizen-elected representatives, as an indispensable means to achieving such a vision, and outlines the process leading to the establishment of such a body.
Rising to the challenge
This report, prepared by a network of stakeholders committed to fair, open, and inclusive solutions to improving global governance, urges the international community to recommit to a “people-centred” multilateralism and outlines proposals for strengthening, reforming, and transforming the global system.
Club de Madrid: Leveraging Multilateralism to Build Back Better towards a more Sustainable Future
This brief for the Working Group for Sustainable Development outlines limitations of the current multilateral system which is built on foundations reflecting the aftermath of the Second World War. It explores the question of how a new form of multilateralism—‘a networked multilateralism’ with strong linkages and cooperation between diverse stakeholders—more reflective of present realities can be brought about.
Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century
The authors of this book suggest that the principles of sensible governance that exist in well-governed national systems be implemented on the international level in order to respond to humanity’s increasingly interconnected challenges. Among such principles include the rule of law and legislation in the common interest, with an executive branch and courts to respectively implement and enforce such legislation. It highlights how collective action, shared values, and accepted international principles would effectively advance universal human prosperity and well-being.
Fulfilling the UN75 Declaration’s Promise: An Expert Series’ Synthesis of Major Insights and Recommendations
This report highlights perspectives on practical proposals—drawn from a series of roundtable discussions on the commitments made in the UN75 Political Declaration—for the Secretary-General’s forthcoming report, “Our Common Agenda”. Among the proposals were recommendations to ensure greater international cooperation and strengthen the role of the United Nations.
Governance and COVID-19: A Background Paper for the 2021 SDG16 Conference
Commissioned by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, this report explores the role of good governance in rebuilding a world recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the importance of building a new social contract between governments and their citizens, suggests the need for governance arrangements to respond to concerns that matter most to people, and describes how international collective action and strengthened global and regional governance should serve to enhance the effectiveness of national and subnational institutions.
Closing the Governance Gap in Climate, Security, and Peacebuilding
This brief offers an overview of climate and security at the United Nations and provides recommendations on how global governance can become more effective in addressing challenges in these intersecting areas. Among the recommendations outlined include mainstreaming the nexus across the UN, strengthening the role of regional organizations, focusing on peacebuilding to inform existing debates, and ensuring inclusivity in various decision-makes spaces.